I've seen a lot of top ten lists over the holidays and none of them have lived up to their hype in my opinion...
So anyway, here's my version!
01 - Jaybo
Jaybo is my number one, no justification needed, he just is and that's that!!
His endless hard work and amazing paintings speak volumes!!
02 - West One
Loved this guys artwork for a long hot minute... He has such an incredible vision and his work is utterly incredible!
03 - Augustine Kofie
Not only one of my dearest friends, but a brilliant artist! His solo show at White Walls was amazing and some of the walls he's done this year (a couple I've had the pleasure of working on with him), have been mind-blowing!
04 - Saber
Artist, activist, spokesperson and genius! He not only champions so many artists and their work, he speaks up for artists rights when no one else will. Honoured to know this guy and love the work he does.
05 - LX One
The master of geometry... His paintings, reliefs and sculptures all stem from recycled materials. He spends everyday in the studio and not many artists can admit to doing the same. Big things for this guy in 2012!
06 - Mare 139
Forgetting his part in the 80's train painting era of New York, which I do consistently... He is an accomplished sculptor and artist. His academic viewpoint on the art of style writing is inspirational and his work screams; 'Let me out of this world!' A true pioneer.
07 - Stormie Mills
Stormie's vision is on such a grand scale, every wall, canvas and stroke is calculated to the highest degree. His shows are some of the highest production quality you're ever likely to see...
08 - Steve More
Steve has produced some of the most incredible work this year... His online show was stunning!!
09 - Shok 1
Shok has continued to produce amazing work, but in the last year he has left a controversial mark in Beijing, started his own outdoor gallery and painted some amazing walls in Germany!
10 - Dabs & Myla
2011 has been Dabs & Myla's year in a big way, with trips to San Fran, London and countless murals going up everywhere, they rock so much, words cannot express...